Live Performance
The Sisters Strain have curated a combination sketch comedy/burlesque show, cleverly titled "Sex and The Silly with the Sisters Strain".
While living in Los Angeles the Sisters Strain graced many stages with their sister comedy act, portraying an array of kooky characters. Their most favoured being Winda and Wendy- a couple classy yet crude old lady winos who host a talk show called " Winedown with Winda and Wendy" where they sip a little too much, talk a little too loud and often show a little skin;). As well as The Bockers, Dolly and Daisy, a twin sister folk duo with deep voices and a penchant for bickering and interjecting their songs with slightly off topic stories and anecdotes. They were featured as a residency act for The LA Woman Show (an all female review at The Virgil Bar), opened multiple standup shows at The Improv Lab, performed at Harvelles, El Cid, The Magic Castle and The Rainbow Room as well as were runner up at the 2019 US Sketch Comedy Championships.